Music Monday: Jemima Kirke Reflects on Turning 32 in a New Music Video


Our very own Jemima Kirke made a music video. What possessed her, we may never know (she doesn’t reveal such irrelevant truths). All we know is that she woke up on her 32nd birthday and knew precisely what she wanted to make. After picking up equipment from Adorama and the keys to a friend’s apartment, she met up with director of photography Ashley Connor and shot the footage in less than two hours.

Jemima takes an everyday workout routine and turns it into an intimate cry, a sort of muted monologue if you will. She reveals a person oppressed by lost love, adjusting to her own female independence, and harnessing that power that is rightfully hers. The piece, which lives somewhere between music video and performance art, is set to her sister Lola Kirke’s surprising, soft-angry folk music. And we are honored to premiere it here for you.

**In Jemima’s words:**

Those transitional, soul-level-change moments we experience are never dramatic. Epiphanies don’t really happen. They’re a myth. Real transformation is boring and uncomfortable, like working out on your birthday when you have no plans. Change slips in unnoticed while you’re busy trudging through something pretty unremarkable.