Music Monday: College Throwbacks, Chewing Gum, and More


**What our deputy editor Laia Garcia is listening to:**

When I was in college, my life revolved around music and buying records. At least once a month I would take the bus from my dorm down to South Street in Philadelphia, and visit Spaceboy and Repo Records to stock up on the newest releases and whatever other oddity would catch my eye. I stopped doing that when I moved to New York, which I regret and miss a lot, but lately I have been going through my collection of records and re-discovering bands that I adored over a decade ago. One of those is Blood on the Wall, a weird grunge-y band out of Brooklyn that was signed to my favorite label, The Social Registry (I had favorite record label back then!), and one that I had completely forgotten how much I loved. It’s hard to pick a favorite song from their record *Awesomer* , but I think ” (1)” might be my fave because Courtney Shanks’ disaffected, far-away singing really speaks to my soul. Catch me listening to their whole discography — they put out three records! — all summer long.

**What our assistant editor Molly Elizalde is listening to:**

As a kid, I hated the “easy listening” radio station that piped soft rock into the waiting rooms of doctor’s offices, which is why I’m cringing a bit to say that Tops’ new song ” (2)” is, in fact, “easy listening.” But that’s only because they use smooth guitar, a basic beat, and sighing vocals to expert effect, finding a fresh, lilting sound. The poetic lyrics (“Make it worthwhile/Inheritor of the shade/Finger pointing/Where the light used to lay”), and swinging melody have made the perfect soundtrack for this colder-than-usual spring. I can’t wait to hear what Tops has in store for their forthcoming album (their first since 2014), arriving in June.

**What our editor in chief Jess Grose is listening to:**

Like many of the other Lennys, I’m in awe of Michaela Coel, the creative mastermind behind the show *Chewing Gum* . In addition to starring in it, creating it, and working as the show runner, Coel also wrote and sang (3). I tried to buy it, but discovered that I couldn’t — Coel has no plans to release any of the songs she wrote for the first season. Which is kind of a baller move? Anyway, you can listen to the song on repeat on YouTube to get your fix; it’s an upbeat, 60s girl group-style stunner.

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